By Lawford Claims on Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Category: Accident at Work

Teacher Killed as a Result of Asbestos Exposure

A coroner has ruled that a primary school teacher, who was exposed to asbestos for years, died as a result of an industrial disease.

Elizabeth Belt, who had also contracted cancer, was killed following a battle with mesothelioma after being exposed to the substance when pinning artwork to pinboards in her classroom. Before her death, Belt had spoken of her exposure to asbestos in her school with the coroner confirming that it was this that eventually killed the 68-year-old.

The charity which offers support to people with the disease, Mesothelioma UK, welcomed the coroner’s report stating that it highlighted the increasing incidence of mesothelioma cases in the UK.

Liz Darlison, the charity’s director of services, said: “This is a preventable, currently incurable, occupational disease. Many of our schools, public buildings and homes still contain asbestos, and we owe it to future generations to address this public health disaster now.”

It was revealed following the incident that the council had obtained a claim for compensation following Belt’s death.

Claiming Compensation for Exposure to Asbestos

It is possible to make a compensation claim for exposure to asbestos if you are suffering from an industrial illness or if you have a lost a loved one due to a disease. Areas such as the construction industry and shipyard work have a tendency to be the most common types of employment to result in mesothelioma diagnosis or exposure to asbestos.

If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, you should take immediate specialist personal injury legal advice as you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim.

You can make a claim for compensation if your employer has failed in their duty of care to protect you and fellow employees from dangerous substances or materials or if you have lost a loved one as a result of negligence from an employer. However, like the majority of claims, you will only be able to take legal action if you were informed of the issue in the last three years.

Not only can you claim for the injuries or the loss of a loved one, but you can also claim for the pain and suffering you suffered as a result of the injury. We understand that compensation can not make up for losing a loved one, but it can prove useful in covering funeral costs and other expenses.

To make a claim, it is important to have as much evidence as possible. When making a claim for exposure to asbestos, this can be difficult as often workplaces are no longer standing. However, to build a strong case our team of solicitors can use witness statements and other similar cases to support your claim. A medical report can also be obtained to support your claim for damages, with a report showing the full extent of your illness.

Do I Need a Solicitor?

When making a personal injury claim following an industrial illness, it can often be difficult to track employers and insurance companies involved. This is due to the fact that asbestos-related diseases can take up to 40 years to fully develop and many of the companies may no longer exist. At Lawford Kidd, we are experts in obtaining compensation for exposure to asbestos and other dangerous chemicals. Due to the complex nature of the case, such claims can be longer than other personal injury claims and can also be more complex. Often, claims can be settled outside of court through a settlement agreement. It is important when negotiating a settlement agreement that you know exactly what your claim is worth and what you should be entitled to. By enlisting the help of a solicitor, they will be able to use their experience to get you the compensation you deserve and make sure that you are not undersold if you opt to settle outside of court.

Contact our Personal Injury Experts

If you have suffered an industrial illness in the workplace or been diagnosed with mesothelioma following exposure to asbestos, contact our team of personal injury lawyers today using our online contact form.

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