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Edinburgh Council To Introduce New Speed Limits To Prevent Road Traffic Accidents

Edinburgh City Council have proposed bringing in a 20mph speed limit on over 80% of the citys’ roads in a bid to reduce road traffic accidents.

In a move that has been applauded by safety groups, the proposal looks to place a blanket ban on travelling over 20mph across the vast majority of the capital’s urban areas. There will be a small number of roads that drivers can go above 20mph. However, the vast majority will be outwith the city centre.

Scheme Delayed

The £2.2 million scheme was announced by the Edinburgh Council who have since delayed the implementation of the scheme by at least three months to grant those opposed to the changes to raise their objections above the policy. The changes, which have been met by some objections, will take two years to put in place if approved. The blanket speed limit will be rolled out by April 2016.

Rob King, director of the organisation 20’s Plenty For Us, praised the move by the Edinburgh Council saying: “There are benefits in terms of road safety - particularly to cyclists, children, the elderly and disabled people.

“But it also makes the area much more pleasant to be in, and the consequences to drivers are minimal because journey time in cities is dictated by how often you stop rather than the speed you travel at.

“Edinburgh’s plans are ambitious in terms of the size of the area affected, but if you look at some of the UK’s iconic cities, London, Manchester, Liverpool, York, Oxford, Bath and others have all rejected the idea of default 30mph limit.”

He added:“In Europe, cities like Paris, Barcelona, Milan and much of Norway and Sweden are adopting 30km/h (18.6mph) limits.

“There’s a growing consensus that 30mph just isn’t fit for purpose in a built-up area.”

Whilst the scheme has been opposed by many, the Council believe that it is the best way to reduce the number of road traffic accidents and the number of fatalities to cyclists, pedestrians and road users in general.


The decision to introduce a 20mph zone, which was consulted with many groups in Edinburgh such as Lothian Buses, has been met with some criticism from taxi drivers in the city who believe it removes any incentive to get a taxi. Environmental groups have also criticised the decision, with the lower speed limit creating more carbon emissions and air pollution in the area.

Neal Greig, policy and research director at the Institute of Advanced Motorists, also expressed concern at the move. He said: “On some streets, 20mph is a speed that you might aspire to rather than need to limit yourself to.

“If you look at the evidence, what seems to work is measures like speed bumps and narrower roads.

“Covering whole areas in one 20mph limit and putting up some signs is a cheap way to do it.”

He added: “We’d rather see investment made in dealing with the streets where there will be the most benefit.”

Speeding In A Road Traffic Accident

The move to reduce the speed limit was first suggested by Edinburgh City Council following a 2010 study by the Department for Transport which found that 5.5% of accidents at 30mph resulted in pedestrian fatalities, compared with less than 1% of accidents at 20mph.

Road traffic accidents can often result in serious injuries, with speeding playing a significant part in the injuries. Speeding can result in more serious injuries to every party involved in an accident whether it be the other driver, passengers or even someone struck by a vehicle.

Speeding is reckless driving, and if you are involved in an accident with a driver who is going over the speed limit, you will be able to take legal action as a result of their recklessness and negligence. Speeding occurs in almost a third of all road traffic injuries and is one of the major factors in road traffic accidents and serious injuries, with more drivers willing to take risks if they are travelling at a high speed.

Road Traffic Accidents

Road traffic accidents are one of the most common types of accidents we deal with at Lawford Kidd. Sadly, each year thousands of our clients are involved in road traffic accidents with all suffering from some sort of injury. Whether it be whiplash, a head injury, or a very serious injury, if you are hurt in an accident as a result of recklessness or someone else’s negligence, you have the right to make a personal injury claim. Not only will you be granted the compensation you rightfully deserve, but you will be able to hold those responsible for the accident to account and get the closure we believe you deserve. We deal with all types of personal injury claims and understand that road accidents can occur as a result of poor road conditions, dangerous driving or even car malfunction. Regardless of how you are injured, we believe that we can get you the compensation you deserve.

Making A Claim

If you believe you are entitled to make a personal injury claim following a road traffic accident, our team of expert personal injury lawyers can help. It is imperative that when making a claim, you inform our solicitors of as many details as you can. Whilst we may not be able to inform you exactly of what your claim could be worth, we will use our years of experience and knowledge, to give a precise estimation of what your claim could be worth. It is important to note that your personal injury claim may not end up in court. Therefore, our skilled solicitors will be able to use their experience to obtain the best settlement based on your injuries.

Contact Us

If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault and suffered an injury through no fault of your own, our solicitors at Lawford Kidd can help. Contact us today using our online contact form or by calling our compensation lawyers on 0808 271 7614.

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