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Personal Injury Claims against Direct Line – Whiplash Injury

Direct Line Insurance have been involved in a number of personal injury cases brought by injured whiplash victims who failed to receive proper compensation.

For help with all aspects of whiplash injuries in Scotland contact us on 0800 027 1480

In 2011 two personal injury claims have been reported from Edinburgh Sheriff Court where the injured claimant was offered an inadequate compensation payment by Direct Line and took the case to court.

On 29th December 2010 Mrs Buxton was awarded £2000 by Sheriff Holligan.  Her whiplash injury involved lower back pain and travel anxiety.  She saw her GP after the accident and required to take pain killers and five to six sessions of physiotherapy.  She had fully recovered from her back pain and travel anxiety within six months.  The insurers’ lawyers said an appropriate injury payment would be £1500.  The Sheriff awarded £2000 in compensation for her pain and suffering.

Another claimant against Direct Line was awarded £2675 by Sheriff Mackie in Edinburgh Sheriff Court in January.  Mr Montgomery was injured when a vehicle insured by Direct Line drove into him in Dalkeith.  He needed cut out of the vehicle and was taken to hospital and his injuries x-rayed. 

He had a soft tissue injury of the right shoulder and injury to his back.  He had eight sessions of physiotherapy and for four months after the accident suffered stiffness and pain in the right shoulder.  He had occasional flashbacks of the accident and was off work one week.  He recovered fully in six months.  Direct Line’s lawyers said an appropriate figure for pain and suffering would be £1700.  The Sheriff agreed with the claimant’s lawyer that the correct figure for pain and suffering would be £2675.

These cases illustrate again the failure of Direct Line to make proper awards of compensation for injured motorists.

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